Familia Valera Miranda
- Created by: heidi_blades
- Created on: 21-06-18 14:44
Se Quema La Chumbamba
Harmony - Tonic and dominant 7th chords, cuatro solo features a wider range of chords, diminished chords
Melody - Vocal line uses 1st 6 notes on G minor scale, lead vocal begins on the dominant, cuatro intro has broken chord patterns, chromaticism and large leaps in the solo
Structure - Introduction consists of cuatro melody, repeats with accompaniment, main structure is verse-chorus, cuatro solo in the middle
Dynamics - No dynamic changes
Texture - Monophony at the beginning, then MDH and homophonic at the end
Rhythm - Brisk duple time, 3-2 son claves, syncopation, triplets in cuatro solo, constant quavers on bongo, polyrhythms created by percussion instruments
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