Fascist Italy
- Created by: smileyface
- Created on: 14-10-10 23:52
How far did the liberals overcome the problems of their political systems?
- Political system
- Problems
- 1) The King = a useless entity
- House of Savoy produced few high quality Kings
- Too much power?
- Old Piedmont laws - gave the King huge powers
- Statuto Albertino (Statuto)
- Rule without the government
- Dismiss the government
- Issue laws without the government
- Politicians take advantage of the King
- Direct appointments - bypass "democracy"
- "Democracy" ==> autocratic state
- 2) Politician's - Irrelevant
- P represented a narrow section of a broad Italian population
- Because they were mainly wealth, middle class, liberals and careerists
- Tory electorate
- Extends Franchise to 7%
- BUT... Literacy qualification still necessary
- This limits the South, as that is mainly illiterate
- As it is Catholics do not vote
- As a result of the non…
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