fildwork paper 3
- Created by: Henry rodda
- Created on: 11-06-18 11:15
Aim – Need to select a suitable question for geographical enquiry,
To investigate the impact of coastal management in the Tendring District
To investigate the impact of new housing in Saffron Walden through the growth of commuter settlements.
Hypothesis – smaller statement that allow you to answer your aim by breaking it down.
The management of the coastline in Tendring has had a positive impact in the area
New areas of housing will have a negative impact on the character of Saffron Walden.
Location – Needs to be a good example and safe! The location could also help explain why you selected this hypothesis
Tendring (Clacton/Walton), has a long history of coastal management, making it a good location to assess the impacts. It is safe and quiet easily accessible. It has range of Hard & soft techniques.
Saffron Walden – familiar, safe and easy access. Good example of a commuter settlement. Strong historical character. Significant recent house building.
Theory/Concept – What are the geographical ideas behind your study? Can you set aims/hypotheses that test these theories?
Coastal erosion…Hydraulic power, abrasion, solution.
Coastal Management…Hard engineering & soft engineering. Both have positives and negatives, so hypothesis is ‘The management of the coastline in Tending
has had a positive impact in the area’. This leads to the hypothesis and study as we can collect data to see if the positives are greater than the negatives of the management.
Growth of UK population and need for new housing. Commuter settlements around the major cities (London!) Debate around Greenfield and Brownfield sites. Concerns around commuter settlements, outsiders, loss of character/culture, impacts on infrastructure. Saffron Walden is such a good example that we can collect data that will allow us to determine whether the recent changes in Saffron Walden have made positive or negative impacts.
Method – Primary/secondary data. How do…
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