Flexibility training
- Created by: BeingJodie
- Created on: 12-02-18 17:10
Flexibility: the range of motion around a joint
Static: range of movement around a join without reference to movement. holding a hamstring stretch,
Static active: holding a postion beyond its point of resistance without the help of someone else.
Static passive: holding a postion beyone its point of resistance with the aid of a partner.
Dynamic: range of motion around a joint with reference to speed of movement. walking lunges
Affecting factors:
- Type of joint- ball and socket have a greater range of motion than hinge joints- size and shape can aid or limit the range of motion
- Length and elasticity of surrounding connective tissue- greater the length the greater the range of motion, greater the length the greater the distance before the stretch reflex is initated , greater the elasticity greater the range of motion possible at the joint
- Gender- females tend to have higher flexibility, have higher oestrogen and relain which is responsible for elasticity
- Age-greatest in childhood and declione with age, due to loss of elasticity in the connective tissue.
- Goniometry: 360 protractor which can be used to measure the range of motion at any joint, head is placed on the axis of rotation and the arms extend along the articulating bones. difference in joint angle is taken from start to finish. objective, valid and accurate, any joint can be measured, sport…
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