Food Definitions: Globalisation
- Created by: Rianne B
- Created on: 11-04-13 16:56
Carbon Footprint - The amount of carbon generated by things people do, including creating a demand for out-of-season food.
Carbon Labelling - Provides informaiton about the level of carbon embodied in the product. This includes carbon emissions associated with the production, transport, storage and disposal of the food product.
Food miles - The distance that food items travel from where they are grown to where they are eaten.
Environmental degradation - The deterioration of the environment through depletion of resources such as air, water and soil; the destruction of ecosystems and the extinction of wildlife.
Marginal land - Land that is only just good enough to be worth farming. It maybe dry, wet, cool or steep.
Irrigation - Artificial watering of land.
Cash crop - Crops that are grown to be sold for profit.
Seasonal produce - Produce available in the season it is harvested.
Fertilisers - Chemical compounds applied to promote plant and fruit growth.
Pesticides - A substance or mixture of substances used to kill a pest.
Insecticides - A pesiticide used against insects.
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