French Revolution
- Created by: historyalevelstudent1
- Created on: 22-02-17 16:54
October Days
6000-7000 people (mainly women) marched from Paris to Versailles
- Fears the Assembly will be shut down
- People were starving yet a banquet was being held at the Paris
4 women entered Versailles. People ran though his house with weaponary. Louis came out on the balcony and they demanded Marie Antoinette, she curtsised and they were pacified. Louis accepted the decrees and the Deceleration and the realised the heightened power of the mob
The National Assembly DID create a fairer sytem
- Tithe to the church stopped, annates ended and church property was sold as a way to pay off debt and improve economy
- Full citizenship to Protestants - equality
- Don Gratuit abolished - less corrupt
- Decentralisation
- Judges had a fixed salary
- Promotion was based on merit
The National Assembly DID NOT create a fairer system
- peasants were being taxed the same, it just came across as fairer
- the Church was being hostile to the reforms
- Bourgeousie exploited resources e.g peasants helped with agriculture
- high prices so peasants and townsfolk lost out
- still no equality
men over women
active citizens over passive citizens
The National Divison
In November 1790, the Assembly demanded the clergy take an oath in support of the constitution. Over half the clergy refused to do so and the Pope spoke out against the Civil Constitution which led to a split within the church. Those who refused to take the oath were known as non-jurors and were deemed as enemies of the revolution. Many peasants felt the Assembly were trying to change their faith and turned against the revolution.
The Radicalisation of the Revolution
Political Clubs kept the public informed, supported political candidates and acted as pressure groups to the try and influence the Assembly. These different interest groups established their base in Paris where they would discuss ideas, decide on their policies and produce pamphlets and papers to spread their ideas
The Societe de 89
founded by Abbe Emanuel Sieyes (author of What is the 3rd estate?) it was the meeting place of the supporters of the constitutional monarchy. It met at the Palais Royale and charged a high entry fee so its memebership came from wealthy moderates like Lafayette and Mirabeau
The Jacobin Club
The Club met daily after Assembly proceedings had finished and by August 1790 there were 152 affiliated 'Jacobin Clubs' across France. Initially all members were deputies but the club rapidly expanded to over 1000 by the end of 1790. The majority of members were bourgeouis as membership fees were high
The Feuillant Club
When the Jacobin Club adopted a more radical position in 1791, some members created the more moderate Feuillant Club in July, Fees were reudced and from October 1791 artisans and shopkeepers joined in large numbers
The Cordeliers Club
It claimed to protect citizens and keep a watch on the activities of the Assembly. The entry fee was minimal and membership was open to all, including…
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