GCSE AQA Manhunt by Simon Armitage- My Analysis
- Created by: Lucas Barker
- Created on: 25-02-12 20:30
Manhunt is the well known poem by the talented poet, Simon Armitage. This is poem is about a wounded soldier affected by the horrible aspects of war. The man has physical, emotional and physological wounds and this is portrayed in Simon's well used words. This descriptive and extremely emotive poem is about a true soldier that gave his life to serve his country and he died a brave patriot.
There are many effective literal techniques that have been used to create this legendary poem. The first two lines of a poem are always important, the two lines that begin this poem are as follows "after the first phase/after passionate nights and intimate days". The first phase implies that the activity was only carried out once. "Passionate nights and intimate days" both convey parts of the day and the two romantic adjectives. These two combine to make two memorable parts of the day that are expressed to be in a romantic from.
Though there are traces of spelling throughout the poem at the end of some of the lines the coupling rhyming…