GCSE Food & Nutrition - Carbohydrate Notes
- Created by: Jessica Coxon
- Created on: 30-04-11 21:57
Energy - important source of protien as it acts as a protein sparer.
Protein sparer - ensures that protein can be used for its primary functions.
All carbohydrates contain - CARBON, HYDROGEN, HYDROGEN
Produced mainly by plants during the process of photosynthesis.
Carbon dioxide + Water ----> Carbohydrate + Oxygen
Classification of Carbohydrates;
Monosaccharides = simple sugars, common base units from which other carbohydrates are built, and are chemically sugars.
There are 3 main monosaccharides;
Fructose = fruit sugar, mostly found in fruit/plant juices/honey
Glucose = form of carbohydrate body uses for energy. All other carbohydrates are converted into glucose during digestion. Glucose is circulated around blood and delivered to cells.
Glucose is found in;
Ripe fruits, vegetables, commercially in powdered, liquid or tablet form.
It provides a fast source of energy.
Galactose = found in milk of mammals, where it forms part of lactose.
Disaccharides = double sugars, compressed of 2 monosaccharide units joined.
There are 3 main disaccharides;
Sucrose = formed from 1 unit of glucose + 1 unit of fructose, mostly used in cookery, obtained from refined sugar cane/beet + some fruits or vegetables.
Lactose = formed…
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