- Created by: Breedelahaye2020
- Created on: 16-10-20 14:55
- Defenition of gene does not give justice to the characters of egenes as intricate molecular units that manifest themselves as critical contributors to celll structure and function.
- At the molecular level, gene is a segemnt of DNA that has information to produce a functional produce.
- Functional product of most genes is a polypeptide- linear sequence of amino acids that folds into units that consitute proteins.
Living cells are composed as biochemicals
- Important function of these small organic molecules is their role as the building blocks for the synthsis of larger molecules.
- Important catergories of larger cellular molecules are nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydates and lipids.
Each cell structure may diffrent proetins that determine cell structure and function
- To a great extend, characteristics of a cell depend on types of proteins that it makes.
- Entire colelction of protens that a cell makes at a given time is proteome.
DNA stores information for protein synthesis
- Genetic material of living organisms is composed of a substance called deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
- DNA stores information needed for syntheis of all proteins.
- Main function of genetic blueprint is the code for the production of proteins in the correct cell.
- DNA is composed of a linear sequence of nucleotides, each of which contain one of four nitrogen containing bases, adenine, thmine, guanine and cytosine.
- Process of using a gene sequence to affcet the charactertics of cells and organisms is referred to as gene expression.
- Trait is any characteristics that…
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