Gladstone And Disraeli
- Created by: smileyface
- Created on: 18-10-10 19:07
Gladstone's first ministry 1868-1874, How significant were the measure passed by the Liberals?
- 1) Introduction
- Election ; a mandate?
- Fiercely active ministry - Bring in several reforms, which mostly are well and overdue
- Palmerston main policy was foreign, so Gladstone's ministry have to try and resolve this. This means that they have to try resolve this. As they have to focus on getting the W/c vote.
- Talented cabinet
- Reflects range of the party, this is because G selects on talent
- E.g : John Bright (Radicals) President of the board of the trade
- Robert Lowe (Adullamites) Chancellor of the exchequer
- Chancellor of the ex = in charge of budget and finance
- Gladstone's roles
- Passes reform
- Agreed with reforms
- 2) Liberal agenda
- Liberal values : "morality?"
- Improve moral standard
- Encourage peaceful and humane behaviour
- BUT?
- Do not believe in social reform to…
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