Teacher recommended
?- Created by: glogang064
- Created on: 09-01-17 22:54
Globalisation: The increased integration and interdependence of national economies; it involves increased international trade, increased inward investment and an increased role for global multinational companies. Reasons for greater globalisation of business:
- The growth of free trade areas, such as EU & NAFTA, have reduced barriers to trade within their groups and mean that individual economies are becoming more closely integrated with each other.
- Tariffs and other protectionist barriers have gradually been reduced in countries around the world, leading to an increase in world trade
- The WTO has been instrumental in bringing about a more integrated and interdependent global economy
- Increased communication and improved transport have led to reduced barriers between countries and made global travel easier
- The growth of large multinational firms creates increased opportunities for economies of scale, leading to lower prices for consumers
- Improved technology makes it easier to communicate and share information around the world
- Improved mobility of capital.…
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