Health and Social Care Unit 2 LO3
- Created by: emmyb100
- Created on: 29-01-24 11:37
The Care Act 2014
- Duty on local authorities to promote an individual's 'wellbeing'
- Continuity of care
- Duty on local authorities to carry out Child's Needs Assessments (CNA)
- An independent advocate to available
- Adult safeguarding
- Local authorities have to guarantee preventative services
The Health and Social Care Act 2012
- 'No decision about me without me'
- Clinical Commissioning Groups
- Health and wellbeing boards
- Public health
- Healthwatch
The Equality Acf 2010
- Makes discrimination on the basis of a protected characteristic illegal
- Prohibits discrimination
- Covers victimisation and harrassmen
- Reasonable adjustments
- Right to breastfeed in public places
- Encourages positive action
- Discrimination due to association is now an offence
- Pay secrecy clauses are now illegal
The Mental Capacity Act 2005
1. A presumption of capacity
2. Support to make own decisions
3. Unwise decisions
4. Best interests
5. Less restrictive option
The Children Act 2004
- Aims to protect children at risk of harm
- Paramountcy principle
- The child has a right to be consulted
- Children have a right to an advocate
- Encourages partnership working
- Created the Children's Commissioner
The Data Protection Act 1998
- Processed fairly and lawfully
- Used only for purposes for which it was intended
- Adequate and relevant but not excessive
- Accurate and kept-up-to-date
- Kept for no longer than is necessary
- Processed in line with the riights of the individual
- Secured
- Not transferred to other countries outside the EU
The Children and Families Act 2014
The role of the Children's Commissioner:
- Focus on the rights of all children, including those in care or who are living away from home
- Promoting and protecting the rights of children
Parents who have a new child:
- Parental leave
- Fathers or a mother's partner can take unpaid leave to attend up to two antenatal appointments
- Allows both parents to have time off to go to clinic appointments before their baby is born
- Allows people who are going to adopt a child to have time off work to see the child and go to meetings about adoption
Family courts and justice:
- A 26-week deadline for the family court to rule on care proceedings
- In cases where parents are splitting up, the…
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