History - Germany 1918 - 1945
- Created by: Insomniac
- Created on: 09-03-12 20:55
History Notes
Francis Mendiola
! Brief notes, not as much detail. Still under working progress
The League Of Nations
It's main aims:
1. Stop aggression
2. Encourage Co-operation
3. Disarmament
4. Improve living and working conditions
Basically, the League of Nations was intended to Police the World
Successes with the League:
1921 - Upper Silesia between Germany and Poland. Aaland Islands between Finland and Sweden
1925 - Greece invasion of Bulgaria
Helped refugees after First World War
Combat spread of serious diseases
Fought slavery, better working conditions
Problems with the League
The USA didn't join. Americans didn't like the Versailles treaty. The thought it was too expensive.
It wasn't powerful enough.
1. Britain and…
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