History Unit 2: The Church in England
- Created by: Ali
- Created on: 21-05-12 19:29
The Church in England on the eve of Reformation
Unpopularity of the Church
- church was seen as corrupt
- nepotism, pluralism, absenteeism and simony were offences of the Church
- much of the clergy didn't keep to their vows
Religious conservatives
- Thomas Wolsey grew more and more in defence of the Church
- tried to maintain unity of Christendom
- worked to bring justice to heretics
- the Aragonese faction developed in opposition to Wolsey's power and influence
- sought to protect the Catholic faith
- lept to Catherine's defence when Henry considered an annulment
The King's Great Matter
Henry's decision for divorce
- Succession issue
- without a male heir the Tudor line would stop and the throne would be passed
- needed a legitimate male heir because it was seen that a woman couldn't run a country
- couldn't be trusted, back luck
- could leave to civil war
- Henry's medical advisers told him that Catherine would no longer be able to conceive
- Desire for Anne
- Henry was besotted with Anne
- she wouldn't settle on being just his mistress
- she was insistent that she would become his wife
- Fear for England's security
- could lead to civil unrest if Henry left no male heir and people already had claims to the throne
- Europe was watching Henry's every move (Charles V was Catherine's nephew)
- Moral/Religious Stance
- Henry thought he'd gone against God and was being punished
- a passage from Leviticus said that if you married your brother's wife you would not have children
Measures taken to prepare for the divorce
- court was held at Blackfriar's secretly to find a reason to divorce Catherine
- Henry appealed to the pope with the passage from Leviticus
- pope didn't agree because he'd used a passage from Deuteronomy to marry them
- Wolsey tried to get the divorce to be heard in England
- Cranmer argued the case to Rome
Reformation Parliament
- Act to limit pluralism - attempted reform on pluralism
- Act to control clerical fees - 10% of clerical income was given to crown and the amount given to priests to pray for your soul was limited
- Act of Annates - abolished annates and said that bishops must be elected by deans and chapters
- Act in Restraint of Appeals - prevented appeals, in certain cases, from going to Rome
- Act for the submission of the clergy - submitted existing canon laws to Henry for scrutiny
- Act of Succession - stated Henry's marriage to Catherine invalid and Mary was declared illegitimate
- Treason Act - made it a treasonable offence to deny the King's titles
- Act of Supremacy - made Henry Supreme Head of the Church in England
Motivation for legislation
- to gain more money and power
- decreased Rome's authority in England, giving more power to Henry, and money that previously went to the Church went to the Crown
- divorce - so Henry could grant his own annulment without the influence of the Church
- to reform the Church - some acts were passed to reform
- legitimise children with Anne - needed to legitimise future children to get a legitimate male heir
The Dissolution…
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