history vital notes
- Created by: Divya
- Created on: 13-06-12 21:29
Jazz Age - 1920s. when Jazz music and dance in USA. Ban of alcohol – prohibition. Flappers - 1920s. Young and modern women had bobbed haircuts, short skirts, listened to jazz, behaved freely. General Strike - 1926. The general strike took place in the United Kingdom and lasted for nine days. Hitler and the Munich Putsch - 1923. Hitler + Stormtroopers (the SA), unsuccessfully tried to gain power in Munich, Bavaria, Germany. The Wall Street Crash -1929. The most disastrous stock market crash in the History of the United States. French Occupation of the Ruhr - 1923 – 1925. French and the Belgian delegates to occupy the Ruhr as a method of pressuring Germany to pay the reparations.
Key dictators
HITLER (Germany)
1889-1945 Arguably the most famous dictator of all, Hitler took power in Germany in 1933 (despite having been born Austrian) and ruled until his suicide in 1945.
JOSEPH STALIN (Soviet Union)
1878 – 1953 Stalin rose from humble beginnings to command the vast Soviet empire. Lethal work camps in bloody purges.
1878 – 1953
Italian Prime Minister in 1922 by organising a fascist organisation of "blackshirts" which literally attacked the political left of the country.
1893 – 1976
Mao was a Chinese communist leader and founder of the People's Republic of China. He was responsible for the disastrous policies of the 'Great Leap Forward' and the 'Cultural Revolution'.
The treaty of Versailles
Who is to blame for the war?
Germany accepted all the blame for starting the War in a ‘war guilt clause’.
The Germans bitterly resented being blamed for the War. They felt they were being blamed because they had lost. The leader of the German representatives said ‘An admission that we alone are guilty is a lie’.
What to do about German military strength.
· The German Army was cut to 1000,000 men. Only volunteers could join the army; conscription was not allowed.
· The navy could have only six battleships.
· Germany was not allowed to build any submarines, planes or tanks.
· Germany was not allowed to keep any troops in Rhineland (the area of Germany that bordered on France). Allied troops would be stationed there for fifteen years.
· German soldiers and sailors bitterly resented this. They wanted to rebuild their forces.
· Instead of keeping a massive army Germany built a small, very professional army which could quickly train extra troops if needed.
· While they were in Rhineland, Allied troops did help keep France safe.
What to do about Germany’s overseas Empire
All of Germany’s colonies were taken away and given to the Allies.
Germany was no longer distracted by looking after its overseas Empire. It could concentrate on its position in Europe.
Should land be taken away from Germany and Austria?
Germany lost land to France, Belgium, Denmark, Poland, and the League of Nations.
By a treaty…
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