Hitler's Germany 1929-39

  • Created by: Sofalof
  • Created on: 02-11-12 15:45

How the Nazis achieved power 1929-33

  • Hitler joined the German Workers Party as its 7th member
  • He became its leader and changed its name to the National Socialist German Workers Party, the Nazi Party for short
  • Great depression
    • 6 million unemployed by 1933
    • hyperinflation
    • Communists and Jews blamed for Germany's problems
    • Meant extremist groups i.e. Nazis became more popular as they offer strong leadership compared to Weimar Republic
  • 1930 election - Nazis (the National Socialists) did well and came second (107 seats)
    • No party had a majority so Chancellor Heinrich Bruning ruled by emergency decree
  • 1932 Presidential election - Hitler defeated by Hindenburg
  • Hindenburg appoints vonPapen as Chancellor. Even though he is inexperienced, no one has real support in Reichstag. Leader of the Centre Party
  • July 1932 election - Nazis won 230 seats and become largest party in Reichstag
  • Hindenburg didn't trust Hitler
  • Reichstag Fire of February 1932
    • Hitler used it as propaganda against Communists
    • Marinus van der Lubbe accused, arrested and executed
    • Many Communist leaders arrested, Communist meeting broken up and their newspapers were closed down
    • Law for the Protection of the People and the State introduced
      • Ended all constitutional freedoms and gave the police total control (Germany became a police state)
  • November 1932 election - Nazis lost seats (196 seats)
  • December 1932 - von Schleicher appointed as Chancellor
    • Tried to break up Nazi Party by causing divisions
  • 30th January 1933 - Hitler made Chancellor
  • March 1933 election - Nazis won 288 seats, but this is still not a…


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