History - Medicine and Treatment 1.2
- Created by: itstheaisha
- Created on: 17-01-17 19:35
1.2 Factors affecting medicine and treatment
Factors - helped causes change
- helped prevent change
helping development
- attitudes changed and government wanted to help
- more willing to fund medical research
- funded Florey and Chain's research in 1939
- began to provide more for its population
hindering development
- they did not think it was their job to improve public health
- populations didn't value health if their leaders didn't
Role of individuals
helping development
- Galens work influenced medicine for more than 1500 years. This was both a help and a hindrance. Some of the treatment worked, but some followingGalenn also prevented further experimentations
- Galen's theories provided the basis of medieval medical training
- renaissance thinkers paved the way for eighteenth and nineteenth-century scientists
- the first vaccination showed…
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