How Powerful is the supreme court and the relationship with the executive
- Created by: Alexmac333
- Created on: 16-04-18 12:37
How Powerful Is The Supreme Court
- Supreme court is more powerful after constitutional reform act of 2005
- However often in practice this dosent make them that powerful, can only advise government
- Supreme court also has a clear set of guidlines in the Human Rights Act 1998
- However this right can be bypassed, Labour Government with Iraq in 2004
- Supreme court is also very independant of the government, Brexit Bill in 2016
- However they do often find in favour of the government, Gibson Inquiry
- Has to wait for appeals to be launched before it can actually perform a review, for example the M vs Home office
- However once Judicial reviews have been launched they do have the power to say no to the government, found in favour of M not the home office
- The Sovreignty of parliament means that they can easily overturn decisions by the supreme court, For example the brexit bill was eventually passed by parliament
- However supreme court can advise the parliament to change its mind, Gibson Inquiry
- …
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