

Acculturation – where members of one cultural group adopt the culture and beliefs of another group.

Assimilation – when an ethnic group adopts the host culture as their own.

Asylum Seeker – a person classes as a refugee fleeing persecution. He or she is not an economic migrant.

Attitudes – positive or negative feelings towards objects or people.

Beliefs – a set of ides about the world that form the basis of a religion or other way of making sense of life.

Colonisation – when one country goes to another country and takes over important aspects of its culture.

Culture – a shared set of beliefs, values, attitudes, norms, customs and practices.

Culture Shock – when newly arrived immigrants find the host country’s culture very different.

Customs – the long established habits of a society. 

Diffusion – the idea of something spreading out gradually.

Ethnic Group – a group with a distinct culture that can be traced through history to a specific location.

Eugenics – the study of ways to improve human inheritance.

Feral Child – a human child who has lived away from human contact or brought up with very little experience or very poor care.

Gender Identity – all of the attributes and characteristics that are associated with belonging to one or the other of the sexes.

Gene – the basic unit of heredity.

Genetic Inheritance – the result of a transfer of genes from parent to offspring.

Globalisation – where activities in one part of the world have consequences for people in other parts of the world.

Identity Giving – an act or process that defines part of a person’s identity.



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