- Created by: gabriellagranger
- Created on: 15-03-18 19:41
I. What is Modernism?
The following are characteristics of Modernism:
a) marked by a strong and intentional break with tradition. This break includes a strong reaction against religious, political, and social views.
b) the belief that the world is created in the act of perceiving it; that is, the world is what we say it is.
c) there is no such thing as absolute truth. All things are relative.
d) no connection with history or institutions. Their experience is that of alienation, loss, and despair.
e) championship of the individual and celebration of inner strength.
f) life is unordered.
g) concerned with the sub-conscious. (Freud)
II. Cubism
a) an audacious new style
b) bold and distinctive formal language that came to challenge the principles of Renaissance painting as dramatically as Einstein's theory of relativity had challenged Newtonian physics.
c) the recognizable sense disappears beneath the scaffold of semi-transparent planes and short, angular lines.
d) ordinary objects are made to look as they have exploded and been assembled somewhat arbitrarily in geometric bits and pieces that rest on the surface of the picture plane.
- Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)
- abandoned traditional painting
- felt art must be subversive
most famous painting is Les Demoiselles
Les Demoiselles D'Avignon
III. Analytical Cubism
a) a multiplicity of viewpoints replaced one-point perspective
b) the cubist image conceived as if one were moving around, above, and below the subject and even perceiving it from within, appropriates the fourth dimension: time itself.
IV. Assemblages
a) artworks that are built up or pieced together from miscellaneous or commonplace materials.V. Futurist
a) concerned their art with space and motion
b) enthralled by the speed and dynamism of automobiles, trains, and airplanes - new forms of technology as the machine gun and electric light.
Giacomo Balla - Capturing light aura from lightbulb
The Street Lamp
VI. Fauvism
a) Henri Matisse (French Artist 1869-1954)
b) made color the principal feature of their canvases
c) Fauvism comes from fauve - or french for wild beast; many critics saw their use of color as crude and savage.
Umberto Boccioni - the middle of walking(Abstract)
Continuity in Space
Henri Matisse - The Green Line
Henri Matisse - The Dance
VII. Motion Picture
a) no coincidence that the art of motion picture was born at a time when artists and scientists were obsessed with matters of space and time.
b) earliest public film presentations took place in Europe and the U.S. in the 1890's.
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