information and communication techniques

  • Created by: loupardoe
  • Created on: 10-12-16 11:46

ICT software

applications of ICT

  • computer software can perform many different functions from sorting data to drawing a design
  • there are many computer programs available for use

word processing packages

  • standard features e.g. save, print, copy, paste
  • text formatting e.g. different text, font alignment, italics
  • importing of graphics e.g. clip art
  • mail merge- letters can personalised from a database


  • a program that enables information to be arranged onto a grid within a range of cells
  • allows the user to quickly assess the effect of varying one of the pieces of information on the project as a whole
  • capable of interpreting the information as different types of graphs
  • can also do mathematical calculations
  • formulae can be added so that the values in some cells can be automatically calculated
  • useful when making lists

desktop publishing packages

  • often used for designing magazines, newspapers and leaflets
  • gives more control over the layout of a page
  • pictures and text can be laid out on a page with images imported from other software and clip art libraries

graphics packages

  • bitmap graphics- made up of pixels, each of which contains specific colour information
  • disadvantage- lose detail if they are scaled up, because the same number of pixels must be spread out over a larger area
  • vector graphics- consist of points, lines and curves which can form complex objects. can be filled with solid colours, gradients and patterns
  • advantage- can be scaled up with no loss of detail as the software works out the new co-ordinates to redraw the image
  • art packages- used for decorating graphic products like packaging e.g. CoreIDRAW, Graphics Suite, Photoshop
  • drawing packages- enable you to draw with lines and shapes, often contain a making program
  • Computer Aided Design- drawing package used by designers, engineers and architects to produce detailed drawings, leads to the realisation of a product e.g. ProDesktop, 2D Design, AutoCAD (industry)

CAD and CAM Systems

CAD Systems

  • make it easier for a designer to produce an idea that looks realistic
  • produces orthographic 2D drawings, 3D virtual reality models, wide range of symbols and dimensions which can be easily palced onto a drawing
  • advantages over drawing by hand:
  • quicker, less time consuming
  • accuracy
  • can be scaled, rotated or reflected
  • can be viewed from any angle
  • easier to make changes
  • can simulate how a product can perform without using expensive testing methods
  • can store lots of information, saves office space
  • shapes, sizes, colours and surface textures can easily be altered
  • can use a wire frame technique where you can view right through an object- virtual modelling
  • rapid prototyping- take virtual designs from CAD and…


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