Introduction to Demography - What is Demography?

  • Created by: Beata16
  • Created on: 02-04-22 16:00

Introduction to Demography

  • QUOTE "Demography is a science concerned with the analysis of the size, distribution, structure, characteristics and processes of a population." END QUOTE (Weeks 1994). 
  • Good demography requires explanations and understandings drawn not just from population statistics and demographic methods, but also from sociology, anthropology, politics, human geography, etc


  • Demography is about studying populations.
  • A population is something that QUOTE "persists through time, even though its members are continuously changing through attrition and accession." END QUOTE (Preston, Heuveline & Guillot 2001).
  • Demography is about understanding population patterns and population regularities/irregularities 

Population measures

  • These are important as they allow comparison
  • This comparison allows different populations to be understood in context of each other
  • More generic measures (fertility rate, mortality rate, etc) are used
  • As are some more specific measures (age of buying first house, age of graduating college/university)
  • Although the two do of course overlap 
  • These are known as population characteristics 

Population trends over time

  • These include increased life expectancy
  • Decreased number of children per woman/smaller family size
  • And increase in average age of many populations (especially in the West) (ageing populations)

Population Growth

  • Often (though not always) net migration (both immigration and emigration) have a significant impact on


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