Is it fair? Unit 2
- Created by: Ben Whitbourn
- Created on: 26-03-13 14:47
The background,
- "want" can be described as something we wish for, but not having it would not bring hardship or poverty.
- Things religious believers may want will be different from what people without faith will want. For example, equal rights for everyone, regardless of race, sex, age or gender.
- However wanting things can lead to selfishness and greed like wanting more money and power.
Human dignity
- Core of every religious tradition is that all humans are worthy of honour and respect; known as HUMAN DIGNITY
- Sometimes poeple not treated with dignity for numerous reasons
- We deserve to be treated with this honour and respect beause humans have: emotions, a sense of morality, a right to basic needs (human rights), SOULS, a sense of identity.
- Sense of identity makes us unique ans our uniquenes makes us worthy of respect
teaches importance of human dignity, Bibles acount of creation says we were all created in Gods image and given DOMINION over other ther parts of Gods creation.
GENESIS 1;26-28 'then god said "let us make man in our image..."and God said to them, "be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it"'
humans are the most important of Allahs creations however do not state they were created in Allahs image
The Qu'ran (6;165) says, 'he has made you His ruling agents in the earth'
Universal Declaration of Human rights, 1948
'All human beings are bron free and equal in dignoty and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience, and shoudl act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.'
Because of their belief in human dignity religions see it as there DUTY to promote justice and fair treatment of all humans, ensuring that people are treated with equality.
Equality- being equal and being treated equally a state in which everyone has equal rights. If this is not achieved we get inequality.
Inequality happens all over the world, often hear about it in the news when countries people are not receiving the same rights as others.
Most religions teach that humans should be treated fairly and with dignity as they are part of Gods creation.
Is it possible?
- Laws in place to reduce discrimination (unjust treatment often resulting in predjudice)
- Race Relation Act makes it illegal to discriminate on the grounds of race, colour or nationality
- The Sex Discrimination Act makes it illegal to discriminate against people on account of their gender
- Laws help stop people being openly discriminated but not peoples attitude
- People of different races and faiths often feel that they do not have much in common
- Government trying to promote idea of 'Britishness' as something that goes beyond socail divisions to help community cohesion
- media has important part to play as they can educate or sometimes form negative sterotypes
- education in school can help teach about diversity
- Positive disrimination is when resources and jobs been set aside for those that have been discrimated in the past
- Believe that all people are…
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