Jane Eyre chapters 1 and 2 analysis
- Created by: CharlesXavier
- Created on: 28-09-15 19:16
Chapter 1
- Jane as a child at Gateshead-scene is set and reader is introduced to Jane's inferior positiion within the Reed household
- Retrospective narrative voice introdcued
- Jane uses books as a form of escapism-power of the imagination
- Altercation with John reed and so Jane is take away to the Red Room.
Context links/perios detail (A03)
- Social position of orphans in Victorian era
- Gender roles-female inferiority in Victorian era/gender expectations on female behaviour- Jane doesn't adhere to conventions.
Other interpretations-eg critical views/debates in text (A05)
- Marxist approach- class differences evident from begining-Jan'es ambiguous social situation
- Feminist approach-Jane shrouding herself in a curtain at the start of novel symbolises inferior position of women in Victorian era
- "every woman in a patriarchal society must meet and overcome;oppression" Gilbert and Gubar
Themes dealt with
Journeys, family, relationships, poverty/wealth, belonging, identitity, entrapment, imagination.
General analysis
'cold winter wind' pathetic fallacy- represents Jane's life and feelings
Colour red used-symbolises fire and passion-theme in novel with Jane's own passion.
Also contrasts to the 'dreary november day'.
Birds used as they have…
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