- Created by: Ashna Patel
- Created on: 27-05-12 14:03
Life at the time of Jesus
The Sadducees
- Small but powerful(PERSIL!!) and wealthy Jewish group.
- Many were priests and they dominated the Sanhedrin,the Jewish Council.
- The high priest were chosen from there families
- Worked WITH the Romans and didn't want to upset them because they gave them power.
The Zealots
- Small and dangerous who hated being ruled by the Romans and refused to pay them taxes
- Romans thought them as terrorists
- Secret movement who wanted a Messiah to lead them into battle
The Pharisees
- Group of Jews and were proud of their devotion in Judaism
- Were teachers of the law and were respected coz v.religous and devout
- Disliked Roman rule but didn't believe in violence
- They hoped for a Messiah to rule them when people had been to taught to live better lives
What Jews believed about the Messiah
- Looked forward to a time where God would send a great leader to help them called a Messiah(means chosen by God for a special task)
- Expected Messiah to be a descendant of King David
- Was expected to lead the Jews into battle against Romans and establish God's rule on earth.
- Others thought they would be a religious teacher or healer instead
The Birth of Jesus
Luke's Version!!
- M and J went to Bethlehem to be counted for census
- Jesus was born and put in feeding trough because the inns were full
- Angels appeared to shepherds and told them to visit the baby who will be a saviour
- Shepherds visited M and J and told them about Angels.
- Shepherds returned to field and M thought about everything that happened.(Great story -_- )
Matthew's Version
- M…