
  • Created by: Gilbert-b
  • Created on: 02-05-13 23:25

Religion and Community Cohesion

Community Cohesion – a common vision and shared sense of belonging for all groups in society

Discrimination- treating someone unfairly because you are prejudiced against them

Ethnic minority –a member of an ethnic group which is smaller than the majority ethnic group

Inter-faith minority – a marriage where the husband and wife are from different religions

Multi-ethnic society – people from different races and cultures living together in one society

Multi-faith society – people from different religions living together in one society

Prejudice – believing someone to be inferior without even knowing them

Racism – discriminating against someone because of their race and the colour of their skin

Racial harmony – people from different races and cultures living together happily

Religious freedom – having the right to practice your religion and change your religion

Religious pluralism – accepting that all religions have equal right to co-exist

Sexism – discriminating against someone because of their gender.

Believing in god

Agnosticism – not being sure if god exists

Atheism – the believe that god does not exist

Theism – the belief that god exists

Omni-benevolent – the belief that god is all good

Omniscient – the belief that god is all-knowing and all-seeing

Omnipotent – the belief that god is all-powerful

Moral Evil – evil and suffering caused by humans

Natural Evil – evil and suffering caused by natural disasters




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