Kiffe Kiffe Demain - immigration
- Created by: 15RobsonL
- Created on: 02-01-20 18:12
Essay question: "est-ce que Kiffe Kiffe Demain reflète l'histoire de l'immigration France?" [around 250 words]
so, to what extent?
- her mother is extremely maltreated in her stereotypical cleaner's job
- their economic status; very poor
- they live in an estate, where the poorest classes live~ immigrants
=but with help from state funded workshops, her mother learns french, allowing for a better job.
→ therefore, shows the history of immigration sans broncher, but allows for a more hopeful future
Intro: 1. YES, KKD clearly represents what life is life for a poor second generation immigrant living in france, but does offer a hopeful ending, what many immigrants don’t have.
le mélange des cultures et le manque de les opportunités qui serait offre si Doria n'était pas un immigrant.
Après avoir lu le livre KKD par Faïza Guène, il est très clair qu’un but d'importance du texte est pour montre l’histoire de l’immigration dans la France, le plus frappant ici c’est
Paragraph 1: the estate. Live in extremely poor conditions; “dans l‘ascenseur, y avait de la pisse et des…