- Created by: poppystamp
- Created on: 16-03-19 14:15
Key Topic 1-a
Migration and Early Settlement
Early Attitudes
Before 1803, the Plains were completely ignored by America and seen as a desert land (equal to the size of Western Europe) with tales of "savages" and animals roaming free. No white settlers further than the Appalachian Mountains.
Then in 1803, France sold the Plains to America, and they sent pionneers to explore their new land. They gave awful reports that it was hostile and inhabitable, and like the sahara. The media carried on these reports for a few decades, putting off people in Eastern States.
1.Became fashionable for wealthy younger men to try and travel to the Plains.
2. In 1845, The Manifest Destiny was published : this was the belief that Americans should possess the whole of the continent as this is what God intended. This sparked interest in many Christians, and people would preach to people in the East about it.
3.Positive and hyperbolic reports in the media due to MD encouraged people it was euphoric
4. Government incentives- 1842 if you squatted on land and cut down trees you could get a steep discount on the land. 1854- government opened up oregon and california to white settlers.
5. The Gold Rush 1849
1. 1847- massive economic crash. Large rates of unemployment due to a drop in grain price and an abundance of agriculture that was unobtainable. Led to 'The Great Emigration'- estimated by 1850, there was 55,000 a year going to the Plains.
2. People interested in going to America- Eastern cities became very overcrowded.
The Journey West
Over 2500 miles- which would be 72+ hours in a car today.
Would cost over $1000- a lot at the time.
They travelled in wagons- these would be made out of a had wood, with canvas as a roof. It would be made waterproof by tar and pulled by an ox.
Extreme weather conditions of all types meant animals and people died- many animals dehydrated. Typically you would leave in April, as to avoid the snow as much as you could in the Rocky Mountains.
The Oregon Trail was implemented in 1849 by a pioneer.
It was a trail which started at Missouri and led to the rocky mountains. It passed through a series of army forts, meaning you could replenish supplies and tiredness regularly. However, once you got to the Rocky Mountains, you could choose to either go on to the Blue Mountains (this was dangerous as required you to maintain control of the group in crossing a wild river), or carry on on the California Trail (also difficult as pass through a large desert where you cold not replenish supplies, and the Sierra Mountains).
Case Study- The Donner Party
This was a large group of 88, who believed in a short cut they could take to make the journey easier. They ended up stranded in the Sierra Mountains, unable to escape. 17 of the group left and tried to find help…
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