Lecture 17- The Pituitary Gland
- Created by: julieo
- Created on: 10-01-16 14:19
6 Hypothalamic Releasing Factors
- GnRH- Gonadotropin releasing hormine=stimulates release of LH and FSH
- GHRH- Growth hormone releasing hormone=stimulates release of growth hormone (GH)
- SST- Somatostatin=inhibits release of growth hormone
- TRH- Thyrotropin, TSH releasing hormone=increases release of thyroid stimulating hormone
- CRH- Corticotropin releasing hormone=increases release of corticotropin
- Dopamine- Amine not a peptide hormone=decreases prolactin release
6 Major Anterior Pituitary Hormones
- GH (Somatotropin)- insulin like growth factor…
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