Legal proffessionals
- Created by: ann2000
- Created on: 18-02-18 10:52
legal executives
Most of solicitors firms employ legal executives that do much of work like a solicitor especially convaycenying and probate
- The qualifications are laid down by the CILEX. Requires the trainee of legal executives to complete part 1 and part 2 of the CILEX, and then to work in a solicitors firm or a legal organisation for 5 years to become a fellow of CILEX
- legal executives work in a solitors firm where they specialise in probate and coveyancing with the supervision of solicitors, They also have limited right if audience in the county court. It was declared in June 2006 that legal executives will have limited rights of audience in the margistrates for some criminal cases eg bail applications
- legal executives are likely to appear in crown court bail applications
Comparison between solictors and barristers
Solicitors work in partnership and in firms whereas barristers are independent and are self employed -- even though they join other barristers in sets of chambers they do not share income
- Solictors deal directly with the public, whereas barristers act as a refferal proffesion. This means that the public have to consult a solictor first.
-- solicitors are often described as general legal advisors. Most of their work is office based -- writing of letters, drawing up documents, negotiating with other people on behalf of the client and completing preparatory work that will end up in court.
- Barristers on the otherhand are known as specialist that grant their time in advocacy and writing consel opinions- advice to clients and solicitors of the specialised area of law
- Barristers usually have rights of audience in all courts however solicitors only have rights of audience in magistrates and county courts
-Barristers are traditonally appointed as superior judges. Wheresas solicitors rarely achieve higher judical office than circuit judge. Most solicitors that are appointed as judges are district or deputy district judges
Queens consel application and appointment selection
- Junior barristers that have worked over 10 years can apply…
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