Maos Reasons For Launching The Cultural Revolution
- Created by: Alexmac333
- Created on: 09-04-18 10:45
Maos Reasons For Launching The Cultural Revolution
- 1962 Liu and Deng take over the party, Mao sidelined
- 1962-1965 capitalist policies betray Maos idea of communism
- Lio spoke out against the great leap forward in 1962 at the 7000 cadres conference
- New policies were very succesful, by 1965 production had reached pre 2nd 5 year plan levels, made mao jealous
- March 1960 leaders said not to use Mao Zedong thought in propaganda, a personal slight against mao
- Mao wanted permenant revolution ,party had become to beaurocratic, Cadres abusing their power to get more food in the countryside during the famine
- Cadres had become new elite, their children got into better schools, they had a higher standard of living
- Febuary 1963 ten points drafted
- …
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