Medicine and War
- Created by: Eseta Le'au
- Created on: 09-11-12 10:12
Medicine and War
Discuss ways in which the war impacted on men's health. What if anything do the responses tell us about the public's attitude to gender?
Joanna Burke:
Main argument- The medical transition of viewing mental illness within the military, how it was dealt with and also how the experience of war realted to civilian expereience of malingering.
- Shell shock needed to be stuided as it "irrevocably blurred the rigid distinction made between the body and the mind"
- Attitudes toward the mentally ill:
- the pervious attitude towards the mentally ill was changing as it was not longer acceptable to be labelled as a coward as morale would be wrecked.
- Social division within the society: as higher class soliders were getting mentally ill hence change was called for
- YET the war had little lasting impact on the attitudes toward male mental illness
The mentally ill started to be treated as though it was a disease of the 'will' rather than of 'nerve force'. Men became more blame worthy for thier illnesses.
As there was a…
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