Meeting the challenges of multiculturalsim
- Created by: LivBarnes
- Created on: 28-02-17 12:16
- Policies
- Balance of advantages and disadvantages
- The future
Complete integration, cuktural pluralism, Balkanisation
Complete integration/assimilation (soup)
Ethnic group integrate into wider society. They begin to influence the dominant culture of the country, the culture evolved over time and culture fision occurs. The so called melting pot idea. This process continues over time as new ethnic groups enter the country. Expects new migrants tp lose their identities such as their style, dress or beliefs and adopt the culture of the host country.
- People work together
- Less conflict?
- Take the best parts of each culture
- Learn from each other
- Cultural dilution-loss of distinctiveness
- People get forced to adopt a culture that is not the same as their own
- May cause more conflict as people can still object to other cultures
- Less individuality and freedom
Cultural Pluralism (mixed salad)
The ethnic group integrate into society; they retain their own…
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