Micro and Macro Theories
- Created by: kayleymills
- Created on: 17-09-19 10:39
Micro Theories- looks at individuals and the impact of society on people
- social action theories
- symbolic interactionalism
- phemonolgy theory
- dramaturgical theory
- ethnomethodology theory
Macro Theories- looks at society as a whole and how indivudals act and interact with others
- Consensus Theories; functionalism
- Conflict Theories; marxism (& neo-marxism) and feminism (liberal, radical, marxist and intersectionalist)
- consensus theory which sees society as a system of inter-connected parts/ social institutions which have to work together as a whole in order for society to function- much like the human body
- 'Organic Analogy'; all parts of society have specific functions in order to maintain social order and achieve a consensus through shared norms and values.
- Functionalism sees social structure and the organisation of society as more important than the individual.
- They argue that society has certain functional prerequisites (certain basic needs/requirements) that must be met for society to survive. (this includes production of food, the care of the young and the socialisation of the next generation into the culture of society)
- Criticisms; doesn't account for social change, not updated…
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