Multi-store model of memory

  • Created by: Peter
  • Created on: 30-09-10 20:35

Atkinson and Schiffrin’s 1968 multi-store model of memory explains how memory processes work. You hear, see and feel many things but only a small number of this information is remembered. They proposed the memory involves a sequence of three stages, Sensory memory (SM) Short term memory (STM) and Long term memory (LTM). The main process began with information received by the sensory input from the environment. Some of this information was transferred to the short term memory. Some of this information could then be processed to the long term memory through rehearsal, the longer the rehearsal the stronger memory trace. Also short term memory could be transferred not only by rehearsal but by giving it meaning – through semantic means.

One weakness of the multi-store model of memory comes from evidence that the memory stores are far more complex, memory stores are not


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