Music for a while
- Created by: YellowFootball18
- Created on: 22-04-21 21:38
Organisation of pitch
· Right hand harpsichord plays the melody
· Left hand harpsichord plays the ground bass and acts as an accompaniment for the voice entering in bar 4
· Soprano singer for the vocal line
· Figured bass written in original score
· Frequent ornaments:
- Lower mordents: Bars 1, 10, 11, 18, 24, 25
- Upper mordents: Bars 11, 22, 36
- Appoggiatura: Bars 2, 4, 35
- Trills: Bar 13
- Arpeggios: Bar 38
· Imitation between the melody and vocal part e.g. falling 3 note phrase in bar 3 and again in bars 7 and 9
· Ascending sequences e.g. bars 10-11 in the voice and harpsichord right hand
· Descending sequences more common in the voice e.g. bar 13 in ‘eas’d’ and bars 23-25 in ‘drop’
· Uses syllabic phrases e.g. ‘mu-sic’ in bar 4
· Melody is most scalic with many passing notes
· Lots of word painting e.g. ‘drop’ is a descending sequence in bars 24-25 and is also onomatopoeic and ‘eternal’ is drawn out into a long melisma in bars 19-21
· Key is A minor at the start and for most of the piece, the tonic…
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