My French revision guide


My French revision guide

à Paris- In paris

J'ai gagné un concours- i won a competition

j'ai passe une semaine paris-i spent a week in paris

j'ai visite la tour Eiffel-i visited the eiffel tower

j'ai mange au restaurant - i ate in a restaurant 

j'ai admire la Pyramide du louvre - i admired the louvre pyramid

j'ai regarde le feu d'artifice- i watched the fireworks

j'ai achete des souvenirs - i bought some souvenirs

j'ai recontre un beau garcon/une jolie fille - i met a good looking boy/a pretty girl

j'ai envoye des cartes postales - i sent some postcards

j'ai pris des photos - i took some photos

j'ai vu la joconde- i saw the mona lisa

j'ai attendu le bus- i waited for the bus

j'ai tres bien dormi- i slept very well

je n'ai pas visite Notre-Dame- i didn't visit Notre Dame

On a fait les Magasins- we went shopping 

on a bu um coca- we drank a cola

on a fait un tour de la ville en segway- we did a tour of the town by segway

on a fait une balade en bateau-mouche- we went on a boat trip

Quand?- when

aujord'hui- today 

hier- yesterday

avant-hier- the day before yesterday

(mardi)dernier- last(tuesday)

C'etait comment- what was it like

c'etait- it was

j'ai trouve ca- i found it

bien- good

bizarre- weird

cool- cool

cher- expensive

ennuyeux- boring

fabuleux- worderful/fantastic

genial- great


interessant- interesting

marrant- funny/a laugh

nul- rubbish

ce n'etait pas mal- it wasnt bad

Des informations touristiques- tourist information

horaires d'ouverture-opening times

ouvert du (mardi) au (dimanche)

de 10h00 a 17h00- from 10 am to 5pm

ferme (le lundi et les jours feries)- closed(on monday and bank holidays)

tarifs d'entree-admission prices

plein tarif- full price

tarif jeune- price for young people

gratuit(pour les enfants jusqu'a 13 ans)- free (for children up to 13 yrs old)

visites guidees- guided tours

(pas de) toilettes- (no) toilets

tu as voyage comment- how did you travel 

en avoin- by plane

en bus- by bus

en car- by coach

en metro- by underground

en train- by train

en voiture- by car

a velo- by bicycle

a pied- on foot

un voyage- a journey

je suis alle(e) (a paris)- i went(to paris)

je suis parti(e)/arrive(e) a (dix heures)- i left/arrived at (ten o clock)

le train est parti(e)/arrive(e) a hiut heures- the train left/arrived at 8 o clock

je suis sorti(e)- i went out

je suis reste(e) (chez moi)- i stayed (at home)

je suis rentre(e) (chez moi)- i went/got home

je suis monte(e)- i went up

qui a vole la joconde?- who stole the mona lisa

tu as visite le louvre quand- when did you visit the louvre

tu es alle (e) avec qui- Who did you go with

tu es arrive(e)/parti(e) a quelle heure- at what time did you arrive/leave

apres,tu es alle(e) ou- afterwards where did you go

tu es reste(e) combien de te de temps- how long did you stay

qu'est-ce que tu as…


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