Natural Hazards Case Studies
- Created by: Bethany Ball
- Created on: 10-06-14 16:05
Mass Movement
Hollbeck hall 1993
A landslip along the upper sections of boulder clay, at the 60m cliffs in Scarborough.
Destroyed the 1883 Hollbeck hall.
Its part of the most rapidly retreating area in Britain; would have cost too much to protect it.
Agriculture blamed droughts for making the land unstable.
It rained, the clay became saturated, causing an earth flow.
Nothing to do with erosion.
Nothing could be done until the slope slid to 25 degrees.
Swiss Alps 2007
Caused by: Heavy snowfall 75cm, mild winter so warmer layers, trees removed to help skiers, strong winds built up-drift, skiers went off piste, slopes reshaped for hotels.
Impacts: 8 killed, some damage to buildings, high cost of rescue services, roads blocked.
Responses: short term – rescue services, helicopters. Long term – fence off avalanche prone areas, structures to slow or divert avalanches, warnings and education, setting off potential avalanches, reforestation.
Aberfan 1966
Causes – Waste coal tip at a steep angle, prolonged heavy rain, tip built on a spring so water seeped through sandstone, little vegetation to bind the waste, no management of tip, assumed any slide would be slow.
Impacts – 147 killed, 116 were children, 20 houses and a farm buried, huge physiological impact, loss of a generation, cost of clean up, it was slow enough to give a warning.
Responses – short term: emergency rescue services. Long term: £20 million in clean up, no prosecutions, over £20 million in donations, 1969 Mines and Quarry Act passed which controls the siting of tips, other tips checked and their slope angles reduced.
Venezuelan Mudslide 1999
High rainfall (410mm in one day)
Precipitation 40% higher than average.
Started with an avalanche of rocks/mud pour down slopes of 2000m Mt Avila, burying 300m of land.
The rain triggered mudslides, landslides and flash floods that killed 30-50,000 people in a ***** between the mountains and the Caribbean sea.
150,000 became homeless.
Slums were buried and swept out to sea.
The mud was 30ft deep.
Infrastructure was destroyed.
Airport closed
Ports flooded so supplies couldn’t be brought in.
Container ships were damaged and hazardous materials leaked.
Total cost $3 billion.
Blamed corrupt politicians for allowing shanty towns to develop around the mountain.
Search and rescue, few survivors found.
Emergency relief, accommodation, food, water and medicine.
Encouraged people to move away from overcrowded coast.
Government announced it was to expend the city and build homes in the north coastal region.
Reconstruction of canels and ports.
Vargras built quickly.
The town ruined was replaced with parks.
North Sea Storm Surge 1953
Physical causes – Storm surge: strong winds from north/east pushing water south, intense depression so sea level rose, high spring tide, north sea narrows towards south so greater wave size, heavy rain so rivers swollen.
Human causes – Dredging of sand offshore, neglected sea walls, global warming so sea level rise, salt marshes reclaimed, rivers embanked, rapid urbanisation of coast, encroachment onto natural flood holding areas.
Enviro impacts: Land lost to…
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