Natural selection - the history of an idea
- Created by: Louis James
- Created on: 04-01-13 13:54
Natural selection - the history of an idea
- origin of species - Charles Darwin
- 1859 sold out instantly. loads - controversy
- biological species concept = species - groups interbreeding natural populations - reproductively isolated - other groups
- "great chain of being" - Plato/Aristotle - smooth graduation between minerals+God
- judeo-christian - each organism individually created, point time. species = unchanging. relationship = creator same - each species
- natural theology - find meaning God - studying natural world
- William Paley 1802 - living things complicated = designed
- "Watchmaker analogy" - design implies designer
- Carolus Linnaeus - binomial system
- hierarchical classifications - species, genus, family, order, class, phylum, kingdom
- Linnaeus 1st thought species were fixed - creation. later considered species within genus - arisen since creation
- relationships imply ancestry
- family tree implies each branches - common ancestor - branches meet
- Erasmus Darwin view evolution - life striving improvement. Pioneers - industrial revolution - lunar society
- evolution = descent with modification
- fossils - remains long extinct species
- Georges Cuvier - fossil flying reptile (pterosaur) = extinct species
- Cuvier - catastrophism - fossils extinct animals. Biblical flood
- James Ussher (Archbishop) - age earth - calculating genealogies old testament = created Sunday 23rd October 4004BC
- Charles Lyell - principles of geology - theory uniformitarianism = earth shaped gradual accumulation deposits forming rock - eroded. Processes balanced. age earth - millions years - scope evolution
- Jean-Baptiste Lamarck - evolution occurred by inheritance acquired characteristics
- theory derided - contemporary scientists. each cell contained information gained - lifetime - passed to offspring
- Weissmann's rat experiment - designed debunk Lamarck
- December 1831 - HMS Beagle set sail - map coast South America. Charles Darwin voyaged - naturalist+companion - captain
- earth very old
- evolution = explanation fossil record+interrelatedness various organisms
- evolution still minority belief (Darwin didn't believe - transmutation
- no accepted way - evolution could occur
- succession of types led Darwin - reject fixity of species
- Richard Owen = foremost palaeontologist, Britain. Darwin's fossils of South American megafauna - related modern day armadillos+tree sloths
- Darwin later cited - evidence - descent with modification
- Darwin collected specimens - Galapogas islands. told tortoises varied between islands. collected mockingbirds+finches - forgot label
- John Gould - ornithologist - discovered mockingbirds+finches = separate species
- Darwin noticed species on islands resembled - adjacent continent. species varied between adjacent islands
- Galapagos = young volcanic islands
- Darwin returned - read - "Essay on the principle of population" 1798 - Thomas Malthus
- Malthus = concerned about unfettered growth - human population - saw animals+plants produce more offspring than survive - resource limitation
- population growth if left unchecked - mass starvation according - Malthus - population outstripped available resources
- Darwin's return - Britain - ket notebooks developing theories of transmutation of species
- began speculating about transmutation (evolution) of species - one species - another, over time
- Darwin confided - Charles Lyell, Joseph ******, TH Huxley
- 1830s+40s - huge political upheaval - chartist movement demanded universal suffrage+rights working classes. associated…
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