Omnipotence (Attributes of God) (Philosophy)
- Created by: 15ras
- Created on: 14-09-21 19:47
- Total and complete power
- The omnipotence paradox- Can God create a stone so heavy that he cannot lift?
- If he has complete power then this does not sit with his other attributes
- Omniscience means he’s all knowing, so he cannot gain knowledge
- Descartes says that God can do anything at all!!!- overcome logic, any other description of omnipotence limits the powers of God
- Aquinas says that God can do anything that is logically possible- to ride a bike or sleep is logically possible but can God do this?- incorporable nature of God
- Swinburne- God can do everything but what does everything mean?- a knot that God could not untie is…
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