

What is Osteoarthritis?

  • Joint disease in which mostly affects the cartillage
  • Regeneration of the cartillage (deteriorate)


  • Genetic pre-disposition
  • Environmental
  • Age related. More common in older people.


Physical for Individual 

  • Limited mobility and will not be able to do previous activity at the same level.
  • May be frustrating as they wouldn't be able to participate in physical activities or go out as much with family.
  • Constant pain can lead to depression
  • Lack of sleep due to pain at night


  • Child may have to do a lot of house jobs because his/her parents may be unable to do it.
  • Family might feel frustrated as they might not be able to do physical activities with them.


  • Person will gain lots of knowledg about osteoarthritis
  • Does not affect intellect.


  • Psychological distress- limitations that are created by OA can be damaging to a person's self-esteem.
  • Will feel useless/guilty for not being able to provide for family.
  • Worried about future. Condition may worsen.


  • Distress- see their loved one suffering from pain due to the severity of condition
  • Proud- see person soping.



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