
  • Created by: MRJREAD
  • Created on: 21-05-19 22:39

What happens?

The narrator recalls a conversation that he had with a traveller, who told him about a broken statue that stands alone in the desert. The statue is described as powerful looking, but severely damaged by the course of time. The pedestal is still visible and holds a message tells the observer that this was Ozymandias - King of Kings - and to be fearful and respectful of his power. This is immediately followed by a description of the nothingness that surrounds. 

What's it about?

The poem is about the temporary nature of power. Nature and time is shown to be far more powerful with the irony being that Ozymandias believed he would be remembered forever, whereas he will inevitably be forgotten.

Key ideas:

  • Narrative perspective: 'I met a traveller' - There is a third-hand feel to the poem, as if the story is of little importance, merely an interesting anecdote. This establishes the insignificance of Ozymandias in the present.
  • The power of time: 'antique land' - This metaphor is powerful in representing the major theme of…


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