- Created by: Giggles
- Created on: 02-05-17 21:44
using the sun energy
the sun is the ulimate source of loads of our energy
you can capture the sun energy using photocells
photocells (solar cells) generate electricity directly from sunlihgt.
photocells are usually made of silicon. when sunlight falls on the cell :
the silicon atoms absorb some of the enrgy, knocking loose some electrons, these electrons then flow atound a circuit - which is electricity
the current and output of a photocell depends on
it surface area
the intensity of lihgt
the distance from the light
advantages: low maintenance, last long, no pollution and renewable
disadvantages: no sunlight, no power
solar and wind power
passivie solar heating is when energy from the sun is used to heat something directly.
glass lets in heat and light from the sun which is absorbed by thing within the room heating them up.
the light from the sun has a short wavelength, so it can pass through the glass into a room.
heated thing in the room emit infared radiation of a longer wavelength, which cant escape though the glass - its reflected back instead
this works to heat and keep heat inside a building
solar water heaters - glass lets heat and light from the sun in which is then absorbed by the black pipes and heats up the water.
wind turbines
wind turbine convert the kinetic energy of moving air into electricity. the wind turns the blade, which turn a generator
advantages: cheap, doesnt pollute waste, renewable
disadvantage: loads of turbine in replace of one coal power station, noise pollution, difficult to find a suitable place - spread out , expensive to set up
producing and distributing electricity
power stations
1) fuel produce heat which then generates steam
2) the moving steam drives the blades of a turbine
3) rotating movement from the turbine is converted to electricity by the generator
dynamo effect
elecctromagnetic induction: the creation of a voltage in a wire which is experiencing a change in magnetic field
using electromagnetic inductor to transform kinetic energy into electrical energy is called the dunamo effect.
two different situation where you get em induction:
A) electrical conductor move through a magnetic field B)nagnetic field through a electrical conductor changes
to get a bigger voltage and current you can increase:
the strength of the magnet, the numbers of turns on the coils or the speed of moverment
generators roatae a coil in a magnetic filed
every half time the current in the coil swaps direction. this means the generator produces a alternating current.
turning the coil faster produces not only more peaks , not a higher voltage and current to.
frequency of ac electrical supplies is the number of cycle per second and measure in hertz
supplying electricity efficiently
electricity is transfromed to high voltage before distrubuting
high voltage or high current is needed to transmit electical power. cables get hot with high currents, this is inefficent.
cheaper to increase the voltage. this keep the current very low, meaning less wasted energy because…
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