Paradise Lost Context
- Created by: Elmo
- Created on: 15-06-17 21:40
Context of 'Paradise Lost Book IX' by John Milton/Milton's beliefs
- Battles and tales of heros (he was encouraged to tell a tale of woe by his "muse")
- Mentions the Will o' the wisp (lines 634-642) and "steersman" (line 513)
- Marriage of equals
- Approved of divorce
- Still considered men to be higher than women
- Believed that marriage should be for love with partners who compliment each other
- Men as the head, women as the heart of relationships
- Protestant and Presbyterians
- Believed that everyone has free will and can make their own choices
- Said that everyone should agree to self-government or we would never be able to chose
Pre/Post-Lapsarian World
- We all have sin within us
- We have to prove our love…
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