Part two- 1890 to 1920 US and the world

  • Created by: H@r/3y
  • Created on: 03-09-20 18:13
  • pre 1890 US seemed far from being an imperial power
  • foreign policy- essentially defensive to keep new world free from wars and diplomatic entanglements
  • most=hostile to imperialism (Except conquest/colonisation of W)
  • events and developments of 1890s drew US into naval expansion, war against spain and annexation of territories in Pacific Ocean
  • motives behind policy shift = openly expansionist
  • rapid econ growth seemed to prove need of new oversea markets
  • belief of end of frontier meant new horizons were needed to scope for US energy and dynamism
  • 1890s -great age of European imperialism, many were swayed by notions of racial/cultural superiority & 'civilising mission' of non-white societies from 'backwardness' - these ideas added to influence of men (Teddy & Naval theorist Alfred Thayer Mahan & Senator Henry Cabot Lodge) who believed in 'forward foreign policy' underpinned by modern sea power
  • isolationists- upholding Monroe Doctrine & traditional US hostility to Euro 'interference'

  • anti-imperialist W. Jennings Bryan (pacifist, Religious moralist) a leading voice in American Anti-imperialism League 1898
  • Other public figures in League = Grover Cleveland, Andrew Carnegie, Samuel Gompers
  • fierce debates between imperialists and isolationists continued for more than 40 yrs after 1890
  • main cause of Spanish America war, 1898 -revolt against Spanish rule by Cuban nationalists led by Jose Marti, 1895
  • rebels got support from US sympathisers- support grew stronger after Spanish army used brutal methods to crush the revolt
  • many demanded intervention
  • Cubas econ.= dependent on tobacco and sugar export to US markets and only 90 miles away, was strategically important to US
  • another impulse towards war -US perceptions of Far E and Pacific Ocean
  • instability in china, modernisation of japan= seen as threat to US interests, Asia concerns and 'yellow peril' intensified by social tensions in W, 1890s due to fears of Chinese and Japanese immigration
  • War with pain opened way for US bases in pacific, Hawaii, Philippines (islands under Spanish colonial rule until 1898)
  • Advocates of US intervention against Spain seized ideal pretext in Feb 1898- US warship USS Maine blew up on Havana harbour ,Cuba
  • evidence suggested it was due to internal explosion but event was portrayed as Spanish provocation by 'yellow press' (especially in newspapers owned by William Randolph Hearst- they pushed the case for war, encouraged by business interests & politicians)
  • Hearst dominated US mass-circulation newspapers, started with San Francisco Examiner, then numerous papers in NY - New York Morning Journal
  • Hearst press enthusiastically supported Spanish American war- famous for 'yellow journalism' = populist and sensationalist style, 
  • peace could easily have been negotiated, war was the preferred solution & forces swiftly occupied Cuba
  • war helped make a national hero of Teddy- resigned from gov to lead volunteer force Rough Riders in siege of Havana
  • Spain made peace at Treaty of Paris & Cuba remained under US military rule until 1902 when it became a protectorate.
  • 1898 war was not only about Cuba- included annexation of Spanish possessions in Carribbean & Pacific Ocean (Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines)-virtual US colonies
  • independent islands of Hawaii annexed
  • US success…


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