Physics 1b: Radiation And The Universe
- Created by: Reyez
- Created on: 01-03-11 20:03
Physics 1b: Radiation And The Universe
GAMMA:USES- Medical Tracers, Sterilise Surgical instruments & Treat Cancer BUT CAN CAUSE CANCER
X-Ray:USES- Scanning Products or Bodies for fractures or items BUT Can Cause Cancer
ULTRAVIOLET (U.V): USES- Tanning & Security Coding BUT Can Cause Cancer
VISIBLE LIGHT: USES- Sight & Communication BUT Can Cause Retina Damage
INFRA RED: USES- Grills, toasters & Communication BUT Can give severe burns
MICROWAVES: USES- Communications BUT Can Damage Cells
RADIO: USES- Communications BUT Can Damage Cells At V.High…
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