Physiology: Suspension Feeding and Large Particle Feeding
- Created by: Laura Dewhurst
- Created on: 30-04-15 14:52
Feeding categories: suspension- polychaete worm Sabella; crabeater seal and baleen whales
large particle- radulla molluscs, teeth and mastication and external digestion
****ing- fluids
surface absorption
Physical nature of food: type of food gathering apparatus needed to aquire.
Structure of digested food: mechanisms used to break down the food
chemical nature of the food
Variety of food items available to animals: microbes, plants, plant products, animals and their waste products.
Animal feeding mechanisms:
Suspenstion feeding: small particles, using pseudopodia, cilia, tenticles, and musuc (bacteria and plankton).
Large particle feeding: swallows inactive food, scraping and boring, seizing prey, swallowed intact, masticated, digested externally and ingested.
Sucking fluids or soft tissues: ****ing only (sponge), pierce and **** (mosquitos).
Surface absorption: of nutrients, no speciailised fedding mechanism, no digestive tract, absorption across body surface area or absorption of metabolic products of symbiotic microorganisms.
Suspension feeding: removes microscopic particles (bacteria, algae, spores or small invertebrates), from surrounding medium (water), most marine, seawater contains an abundance of particles. Observed in protozoans, in every animal phylum including chordates. Setting up a current (irrigation current), by beating of structures such as cilia or flagella. Act as filters. Secretion of musuc -> filter feeders.
Sedentary marine polychaete worm, Sabella sp.
Verticle blind-ending tube, in the sand, retractable crown of…
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