Population genetics
- Created by: Breedelahaye2020
- Created on: 06-11-20 15:40
What is it?
- Field of gentics is connected with changes in genetic variation within a group of individuals over time.
- Population genetics want to know the extent of genetic variation within populations, and how it changes over many generations.
- Fielf of population genetics merge as a branch if genetis in 1930 and 1920.
Genes in populations and the hardy weinberg equation
- In the field of population genetics, focus shifts away from individual and onto the population of which the individual is a member.
- Population genetics may seem like a significant departure from other topics..
- Extension of the Mendel's law of inhertience, molecular genetics and the idea of Darwin.
- Alleles of every gene in a population make up gene pool.
Population is a group of interbreeding individuals that share a gene pool
- Term population is a group of individuals of the same species that occupy the same region and can interbreed with one another.
- Species occupy a wide geographic eange and are divided into discete populations.
- Population of a given species may be located on diffrent continents, or population on the same continent may be divided by a geographical feature such as a large mountain range.
Some genes may be monomorphic but some are plymorphic
- Term genetic polumorphism, refers to the onservation that many inhertited traits display variation within a population.
- Gentic polymorphisms referred to variation in inherited traits that are observable with the naked eye.
- Polymorphisms in color and patten have long attracted the attention of population geneticists.
The Hardy-Weinberg Equation can be used to calculate Genotype Frequencies based on allele frquencies
- 1908, Hardy and Weinberg derived a simple mathematical expression that predicts stability of allele and genotype frequencies from one generation to the next.
- Maintenence of stability of these frequencies is called Hardy-Weinberg equilibubrium, the allele and genotype frequencies do not chabge over the course of many generations.
- An equilibrium is a null hypothesis, which suggets the evolutionary change is not occurring.
- When researchers investigated other genes in various populations, chi square value is obtained, hypothesis that the allele and genotype frequencies are in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is rejected.
- This means that the population is disequilibrium.
Overview of microevolution
- Genetic variation is natural population typically changes…
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