


  • Austen presents pride as having a a negative effect on people

Austen presents this through the character of Lady Catherine. Elizabeth states that her 'air was not concilating, nor was the manner of recieving them'. This suggests that Lady Catherine was rude and did not make an effort to be nice to her guests. This suggests that she is full of pride because she is of a higher status. The word 'concilating' suggests that Lady Catherine was not agreable, further emphasising that she was pompous and self-concentrated. 

Austen also presents this through the character of Mr Collins. Collins states that his 'situation in life is [...] highly in [Elizabeth's] favour.' when proposing. This demonstrates how pretentious and self important Mr Collins is, demonstrating a great deal of pride. The word 'favour' suggests that he could help Elizabeth and aid her economically because of his 'connections'. This is an absurb offer and further emphasises how self-reituous and prideful Mr Collins is, alongside Lady Catherine

  • Austen also presents pride as having a positive effect on people

Austen presents this through the characater of Mr Darcy. Darcy's pride in Pemberely 'led him to be liberal and generous'. This suggets that…


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