Principles of Care - 1.2
- Created by: bethanmorgan12
- Created on: 17-05-16 14:40
2) Promoting anti-discriminatory practice.
Discrimination means that certain individuals are treated less favourably than others because of a personal characteristic they may have.
Certain groups are likely to experience discrimination. These include:
- People with learning difficulties
- Older people
- People with physical disabilities
- People with mental health problems
- Women
- Minority ethnic groups
- Minority religious groups
- Gay men and lesbians
Discrimination may be direct or indirect, for example: racist and sexist jokes, isolating clients with mental health problems, avoiding looking at someone, ignoring someone with HIV and excluding certain residents from activites.
In order to promote anti-dicriminatory practice, health and social care organisations should:
- Abide by Codes of Practice
- Develope policies and implement them (Making sure they are followed and used)
- Give staff training…
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